Futa German Military Cemetery

The German Military Cemetery of Futa, located in the municipality of Firenzuola, is a place of great historical and symbolic importance, immersed in the enchanting landscape of the Tuscan-Romagnolo Apennines. At 950 meters above sea level, near the Futa pass, the cemetery extends over 12 hectares and houses the bodies of 30,683 German soldiers, coming from 2,069 Italian municipalities.
Inaugurated in 1969, this cemetery is the largest among those created in Italy by the Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge, the German organization for the care of war graves. Every year, visitors can walk along the paths that wind between terraces, stone crosses and circular water basins, immersed in the lush nature that characterizes the area.
Monumental architecture, with its triangular gray stone wall and commemorative crypt, makes this cemetery a place of reflection, where history comes to life in an atmosphere of respect and tranquility. Your visit is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in historical memory and pay homage to the fallen of the Second World War.
Address: Cimitero Militare Germanico della Futa 50033 Firenzuola FI